Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lord knows I do.

Sometimes I am reminded of how often I try to save myself. I pretend like I can do it on my own accord and convince myself that my strength is enough. In reality, what I have to offer doesn't offer much. Without Jesus- I don't even measure up to the dust of the earth. I often forget to give my Savior the thanks that He deserves. And through all of my flaws, all of my sin, there is mercy and grace extended towards me. I feel so undeserving. I really do. As sin pounds through my veins love suffocates it and it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with my Lord. I want to be more than a labeled Christian. And so much more than "religion". I want to break the mold our world has created. I want to love the way Jesus did. I want to be an example. I want it to be sincere. I want to be unwavering and firm in my faith- in my God. I want to be confident. I want Him.
I keep listening to 'Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing' and feel like it is the song of my soul.
"Let Thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above"


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